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google mail

美 [ˈɡuːɡl meɪl]英 [ˈɡuːɡl meɪl]
  • 网络谷歌邮件;黑莓手机邮件
google mailgoogle mail
  1. Later in 2010 , we will start to phase out support for these browsers for Google Mail and Google Calendar .


  2. For example , people log in to your app with the same credentials they would use to log in to Google Mail .


  3. To name just two examples : In one incident , Microsoft 's Edge browser blocked me for an entire night from using Google Mail , after mistakenly identifying it as a malicious website - though the next morning I was able to log in .


  4. This software connects straight to Google 's mail servers instead of the company 's Exchange server to synchronize items .


  5. Though Gmail users can 't see the changes when accessing their messages on iPhones , Google 's Web mail application is widely used on desktops .


  6. Included in the Premier and Education versions of Google Apps , the service will make it appear that messages sent from a user 's phone will come from a given organization 's Google mail account .
